actually i had aheadache thinking what im going with to. so i thought i just take a ride with meya.but she say her mom doesnt want to stuck into a traffic jam.so i ask my dad to send me.as step at tasik shah alam i can see minah minah indonesia having their picnic and i decide to sat near them so i dont feel too frightened.
and can see two man one without cloth and one is pak cik tua. looking at me. ok so i just sat there taking picture camwohre and messaging meya. and she say shes there in front of entrace wetworld. so i took a walk to them.
and suddenly. the both old man put on their cloth and start their motor engine and about to move. i felt weird. and i step back to where i sat just now. and the both pak cik also sat back. ok and thats scary. i message meya that way too emotional because i act so bossy.i really scared at that time and almost lost my temper
and i walk to them full of fear. i walk and put my sight back and i watch every each step and hah meya call me and she says ' bodo aku da nampak kau " ok that word makes me full of relieved. thank god
and i can see two colourful umbrellas since just now is raining and a few plastic full of fooooooooood. hehe. and then i show them my cakes and they says it beautiful. and they forgot my choki choki. ok i lost my temper back.
sokay i can see meya sacrifice so many money on this birthday bash and she already say in other message that she has to rush on thing and dont put too much hope on her to buy that choki choki. i says aku dah mimpi do mama tadi' die ckp ' lain kali belum jadi jgn mimpi'
meya seems PMS
and then me and shahira pull out the cover of the cakes and im so happy to see that cakes is like naked and a few butterfly on them make them seems so marilyn monroe. ok the butterfly is cute and really think that the cakes would be awesome with a speech on that cakes
HEHHHH but since the choki choki is dead and gone i still had the mahkota lol. and after that i can see ilya i not really knew her but she seems nice :) and i ask her to CHEERS DRINK TO THAT and sit down hehe she seems a lil gelabah taik. and then the rombongan mak jah come and my wishes as afiqah is not coming granted. shes not coming. if she really did, i had to have my happiness only a half. but baidatul and zubaidah seems to be easy and dont give a fuck of anything. and zubaidah took a slice of my cakes. thats awkward
they seems to be boring and really dont want to give a commitment in realationship. so why did i even bother?and baidatul her sisater didnt coming too so i dont give a middle finger to her.
and hanini coming and pegang my cakes and left my spray because i only born with two hands. i singing hanini a happy birthday song twice because evrybody seems yawing.seriously. and she seems hapyp with my cakes and she give a really casual reaction. and then we eat some laugh ops a lot lot LAUGH OUT LOUD. BECAUSE MEYA IS REALLLY GOOD IN MAKING PEOPLE BURST INTO LAUGHNG.
and then we eat some more and a row of perdana making boring faces waiting for the next event. and meya start her sivik and all of sudden i can see my old bestfriend from far far far away AMIRAH HAFIZAH!!! yay! since in school we didnt really had chance to had a really long talk and i thought it would be a second because she seems to be rushing,ok and i seems to be over friendlier than before and we talk talk talk and have gossip and she says she want to go sacc to had some lunch err evening snacks maybe?
and she just decided to eat my cakes. and she just need water water and eat some cakes and continue gossip and then so many thoughts about my old besties are answered and i want more and new answers in incoming future. something that i dont believe about my besties something my besties and my besties and my besties and my classmates and such more
and seems that shira johari is beautiful and i dont know y she wearig tudung but alhamdulillah but she want her tudung in messy type and its create me to smiling. and i tell her that maybe just maybe my year 6 crush just maybe had a crush on her and they all says that she and him only like abang and adik. haha hahahahhahahhaha ok and some sweet stories that can make into a novel and hehe and him touching her hair makes me laughing because it weird to talk about your old crush like that hahahhahaha
and i sent their home and shira takes some photos and i happy that she want to be with me in the same photos. and i cant stop myself to take photos in adang style. the arms under the pits. hahhaha its make my arms wider and its so flabby also ugly. and after waited taxi so long the taxi arrived and i had to wave them goodbye.
on my way back i just walk like a ganster since my skinnys so tight and my tudung like ustazah so its a lil bodoh. if i see someone in my dress now i would call her bodoh. seriously and then i come to them back and meya just like ' kau mmg tak sedar yg crown tu ada kat kepala kau or kau saje saje?' i was... WHATTTAAAA HECK! ' crown ni memang ade kat kepala aku ke???" " dah la aku jalan macam ganster !!" hahahahhahahaahhaha
and they acting in a videos that will be performed in monday in 4 perdana which i belong to 4 putra and i was so boring and my tumit hurt so much. i just sat chilling with shahira new olympus camera. lol. and playing playground.
and after they finish their videos that i can see i miss talking to funny zubaidah and i can see how much frustrated she is. i just went to the lallalalala mode. and hanini want to be the President Of Directioners. and meya says its impossible and hanini has to have a fluent english. have to be friendly have to make friends of kaya and besar people and else.
and we make some videos and there was a videos i really mad because they walk so slow and my leg hurt so much i just making faces and they just burst into laughing.ok
and i got back with shahira cars and today quite fun and its kinda repay my sadness in november. well last time i see them in facebook. this time you see me in facebook. i remember that bitch
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