one day sitting in front laptop and now i have heart to write something huh? booooo! lol ok its about my close friend meyaazlan. ok i shall not have that power mentioning her name because she try to be cruel last hour. its like this i says something about her boyfriend that something that i wont be regret and something that friends would be chilling laughing ass off because thats jokes. but i dont understand how can a certain people got really offended to something that cant be pissed off to? where the freindship bond that says ' our friendship cannot be clash to a silly jokes '
and she got really offended and say harsh thing about me about my interests about my crush and at first i try to be cool and dont give a damn fuck about everything. i says to her that maybe ' satan kuasai kau' okay that quite epic since i added my crush and just maybe he or his friend might be reading. act coool. suddenly she posted on my wall about all the thingy i shaking.
hanya pasal lima lelaki yang memang tidak akan kenal kau. kau sanggu cakap benda yang tidak akan pernah aku terfikir pernah akan keluar dari mulut dia. hanya dia sahaja makhluk yang tidak akan judge aku. seangkatan dgn aku dalam segala benda. sedikit sebanyak tercalar juga benda ni. ada kadangkala aku terfikir patut juga dia marah sakit hati dgn mulut sedap ikut rasa aku ni. tapi memadai la. aku tahu kau berkorban banyak semalam. duit kau banyak habis tapi tolong fikir tak ke ada org suruh. benda yg aku pat mesej kau kau patu reply. kau patut ada perasaan bila aku cerita yang aku kena follow pak cik tua. tumpang excited sedih atau sekurang kurangnya tunjuk kan perasaan yang sepatutnya kau tunjuk. dan hari ni kau sangat menyakitkan hati. aku ingin sahaja mencarut perkataan ini iaitu babi
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