today is thursday and i'm here at home 12.01 and i infront my laptop! yay! new tradision huh? nahh i felt to tired last yesterday and i felt like damp so much.danggs. yes due to my classmtes penghijrahan among of them my friends too.not to close but fair enough connected. i can feel their pain to this perpisahan because i had my own history too. my sister. my beloved sister. maybe seems that we never had good conversation i mean we have conversation by cursing. and its my ours way to show love. well when our 2 months wekend we had our weeks only by stayng at home. and my sister is my very close partner where i can share my problem. addiction towards coki coki and now its dandan ok its felt sebakz when im golek golek on my bed and im thinking where this moment i with my sister would have long talk. a really long one accompanied by radios and maggis also tea.
I don't know what is going on with Shaheden tonight. He is being so manja and I feel like puking on his face.
just reading by dandan new tweets breaks my tear. i cant help it thinking how close are them and idk its random is it because of faith or theis incoming faiths? i dont know. so i usually spent my time more in school because i dont want to stuck between in the memories created between her and me. i try to make myself busy by joining bola baling been a speakers in choral speaking. one of lembaga koperasi and being pengawas pusat sumber. since pengawas pusat sumber doesnt have to wear green i decided to being one them.
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